Treating Colleagues With Respect

Even if your work is excellent, if you are acting arrogant, you may have a reputation for being difficult to work with, and curators may lose interest. Respect their own space. They have their own beliefs and ideas and aren't in the business of bowing down to the ego.

It's critical to have positive working connections with coworkers because teamwork is far more rewarding for both parties. Consider your position in the connection as well as what others have to say.

Using Other People’s Images

An ongoing problem, which has increased dramatically because of the Internet, is that artists use other people’s images without giving the artist any credit, or not changing the image enough to make it distinct from the original.


It's unhealthy and useless to be bitter about your job. It's difficult to deal with artists who are always complaining. It's best to keep your grudges to yourself if you're bitter.

Keep a journal, see a therapist, and seek advice from a mentor. There are venues where you can express and handle your issues and declining career in a productive manner.

Do Not Talk Shit

When participating in the project, be aware of how you come across to others. People's willingness to cooperate with you is directly influenced by your personality.


Deception can ruin a career. Don’t lie about your past achievements on your resume because doing this will eventually come back to haunt you.

Thank Those Who Support You

Everyone enjoys being thanked. You should thank them in person at the very least, but a thoughtful note is far better. If you're turned down for a grant or a performance, thanking them for allowing you to apply can help them remember you in the future. Thank them for the interview even if you do not receive the teaching job. You don't have to go all out; just make sure they know you appreciate their help.


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