Role of Ethics Codes in Sports

In the codes of ethics of general psychology and sports and exercise psychology, several coherences exist. Indeed, as a part of psychology, many codes of ethics in sports and practice are based on those written previously in psychology.

Ethical practice is the coin of the realm for practicing psychology and sport and exercise. Professionals take action to protect their clients against harm through ethical behavior. Ethical guidelines for ethical conduct are meant to help practitioners make decisions that may prove harmful to their customers and related persons in difficult situations.

Important Ethical Issues in Sport and Exercise Psychology


Confidentiality is probably the ethical concern in the sphere of sport and training psychology most frequently mentioned and is often identified as the main ethical standard. Practitioners do not allow other persons to know the identity of their customers, or to let others know the customer's concerns or associated treatment. Confidentiality limits are common to a customer at the commencement of the delivery of the service via an authorization form. 


Sport is often perceived as very prestigious by individuals and the general public and many wish to be involved. Therefore, it is not uncommon for persons with only a peripheral connection to teams to identify with such teams. This also applies to practitioners consulting teams. While a team overidentification does not always cause problems, the practitioner is likely to cause distortion and loss of objectivity. 

Ethical Decision Making

The principles and standards established within the code of ethics of an organization are designed to support professionals and guide them in the decision-making process. But taking sound ethical decision-making can be complicated because, due to the many considerations which need to be addressed, ethical principles and standards often contain gaps, contradictions, and grey areas Ethical decision-making models can be used by professionals to help address such concerns as a practical framework. 


Deontology can be defined as an ethical decision-making medium or principled approach. From this point of view, behavior, rather than the results produced, is evaluated as ethical or unethical based on the intention and quality of action. Ethical behavior should therefore be based on principles that would apply to different environments. from this standpoint.


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