

Treating Colleagues With Respect Even if your work is excellent, if you are acting arrogant, you may have a reputation for being difficult to work with, and curators may lose interest. Respect their own space. They have their own beliefs and ideas and aren't in the business of bowing down to the ego. It's critical to have positive working connections with coworkers because teamwork is far more rewarding for both parties. Consider your position in the connection as well as what others have to say. Using Other People’s Images An ongoing problem, which has increased dramatically because of the Internet, is that artists use other people’s images without giving the artist any credit, or not changing the image enough to make it distinct from the original. Bitterness It's unhealthy and useless to be bitter about your job. It's difficult to deal with artists who are always complaining. It's best to keep your grudges to yourself if you're bitter. Keep a journal, see a th


Three different government agencies manage education in the Philippines, each with large exclusive jurisdiction over various aspects of education. Education in the Philippines All aspects of primary, secondary, and informal education are covered by the Department of Education. It supervises both public and private elementary and secondary schools. The Department consists of two components: the Manila headquarters and various field offices, currently comprised of 17 regional office locations and 221 provincial and urban schools. The central office establishes general policies for the basic education sector, while the field agencies implement local policies. ELEMENTARY EDUCATION Primary education in the Philippines consists of six grades 1 to 6 years of education (ages 6 to 12). Elementary school was the only compulsory part of the basic training cycle before the adoption of the K-12 reforms. Children must now complete one-year preschool education before enrolling in primary school. It i

Role of Ethics Codes in Sports

In the codes of ethics of general psychology and sports and exercise psychology, several coherences exist. Indeed, as a part of psychology, many codes of ethics in sports and practice are based on those written previously in psychology. Ethical practice is the coin of the realm for practicing psychology and sport and exercise. Professionals take action to protect their clients against harm through ethical behavior. Ethical guidelines for ethical conduct are meant to help practitioners make decisions that may prove harmful to their customers and related persons in difficult situations. Important Ethical Issues in Sport and Exercise Psychology Confidentiality Confidentiality is probably the ethical concern in the sphere of sport and training psychology most frequently mentioned and is often identified as the main ethical standard. Practitioners do not allow other persons to know the identity of their customers, or to let others know the customer's concerns or associated treatment. Co

The Politics of Ethics in Philippine Government Public Service

The Nature and goal of Ethics in Public Service There are two ways to look at public service ethics. The first refers to a set of requirements that public workers must meet to follow a specific pattern of behavior. The law dictates this particular pattern of action. This assumption essentially refers to how public workers should conduct themselves when doing their jobs. The second relates to a specific structure or technique that is used to apply the established norms or regulations. It necessitates structured behavior from the public servant in this circumstance. The purpose of prescribing norms and regulations in a specific framework is to shape public servant behavior in this way. In the Philippine Governance, a proposed model for Public Service Ethics Certain administrative adjustments are required to improve Philippine public sector ethics. According to Maesschalck (2004), the condition of public service ethics in governance is largely determined by the state's administrative

Facts about Philippines Healthcare

The Philippines Healthcare System is described by the WHO as "fragmented." Unfair and uneven access to health care has a long history of disproportionately affecting the poor. The government spends little money on the program, resulting in substantial out-of-pocket expenses and widening the wealth disparity. The Barrios doctors include public-private partnerships in a plan to modernize the hospitals owned by the government and provide up-to-date supplies for medical care. A project called The Barrios Doctors and its private sectors has set up nine cancer centers, eight heart centers, and seven transplant centers in regional medical centers to compensate for the inequality. Tuberculosis, dengue fever, malaria, and HIV/AIDS affect a large number of Filipinos. Protein-energy malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies are becoming more widespread as a result of these disorders. A high prevalence of obesity together with cardiac disease affects the population. More than 3,500 pub